This Mirror has People in It By Amadeus Cigan

Instruments: Coin

Game Description 

Is a game about the people who haunt your mirror and how you help them.

Game Content Warnings 

These are content warnings that are from the game prompts and are present in all playthroughs.

Playthrough Content Warnings 

These are content warnings specific to this playthrough only.

Game Playthrough

Word Count: 1,441     Played: Nov 21, 2024

1. The Forgotten Face 

Encounter 1

What do you do when you are not in my reflection? 

I wander. I am in every surface and in every picture. In all things reflective and in all things that shine. Though you may not see me, I am here. I am always here. Tails 

What do you most want me to do? 

Be here. Be with me. I am lonely when you are not around. Tails 

Is there any object that was particularly special to you?

Yes. You have it. You've always had it. You are in it and you are it. Heads 

Encounter 2

What was the one thing you were looking forward to that never happened?

Being alive. You took that from me. Tails 

Why are you attached to me or this place? 

It's to you. You were the only one who knew me, but you never realized. We were together in the beginning. Tails 

Why are you called The Forgotten Face?

Because you forgot who you are looking at. Look closer. Look harder. Is there really such a difference? Heads 

Encounter 3 

Where do you wish you could be right now? 

Where you are. On the other side of this mirror. 

What is the one thing we share in common? 

The one thing we share different is I'm dead. 

Do you have any relatives? 

You. Mom. Dad. 

The Forgotten Face: A twin absorbed in utero, now remembered and living vicariously through me. 

2. The Watchful Predecessor 

Encounter 1

What is your most distinguishing facial feature? 

A large red nose and a mole under my left eye. Head

What was the one thing you were looking forward to that never happened?

Getting tenure at my university. Head

Is there any object that was particularly special to you?

There was a college club-sports trophy for baseball I won my sophomore year. Tails

Encounter 2

What do you think you are right now? 

A ghost? I guess? I can't think of anything else. I mean I'm dead. I've been dead. Heads

What do you want me to do the most?

Um, I guess not have me in this mirror. I guess I expected an afterlife. Not… this Heads

What's one thing we share in common? 

I used to live here! This was my apartment! I didn't die here though, so don't worry about that. But I guess I'm already haunting you so that doesn't after all. Heads 

Encounter 3 

Did I know you before this? 

No, we've never met. 

Did you know any of the other faces before now?

Yeah I met a couple of them before. Not as faces, but as people. There was a lady who served me coffee every day at the diner. Then there was a janitor at the college. I mean we weren't friends, but we recognized each other. 

What do you do when you are not in my reflection? 

Just.. kinda hang around. There isn't much for us to do. We're just kinda here. 

The Watchful Predecessor: A professor who is looking for more. He wants to see more than just what is here, and to move to better places. 

3. The Mysterious Shadow

Encounter 1

Why don't you have a face? 

Why do you have mine? Tails 

I already spoke with my twin, who are you? 

Who are you? Tails 

I live here, you are in my mirror. 

I live here, why are you in MY mirror? Tails 

Have I always been in your mirror? 

No. Heads 

When did I appear? 


Encounter 2

Did you know of any other faces before now? 

There are OTHERS? Who are you inviting here? Why are you in my mirror? Tails 

How are you feeling right now? 

Annoyed! Why won't you leave? Why are you in my house! Why are you talking to me!? Are you a ghost? Do I need to call a priest? Tails 

No, I am alive--

How do you know? Heads 

Because I can leave. Can you? 


Encounter 3 

What is the one thing we share in common? 

…The mirror. 

Do you have any relatives? 

No. It was just me. 

Where do you think you are right now? 

I was in my home. But it's different now. Even the shape of it is wrong. The kitchen is in the wrong spot, the walls are different. This isn't my home. Your face is gone… mine too. You aren't me.  I need to leave. 

The Mysterious Shadow: A confused person, still believing they are living. I never found out who they were, but they are gone now. 

4. The Cautionary Tale

Is there any object that's particularly special to you?

My high heel shoes. They were so tall and so wobbly, but they were so cute. Heads 

What is the most important thing you remember from life? 

I was fearless. Never thought I'd go out the way I did. It seems so stupid now, but in the end it wasn't what mattered. I wish I had done more.  Heads 

What was the one thing you were looking forward to that never happened?

Getting older, falling in love, getting married, doing all the boring things in life. I got to do any of them. I never will. Tails 

Encounter 2

What do you want me to do the most? 

I dunno. Sorry. I guess I just don't want to live in your mirror. Let me pass on? I don't know how you can do that though. Tails 

What do you do when you are not in my reflection? 

Talk to everyone else. They are kinda boring though. But you're fine. Heads 

Where do you wish you could be right now? 

Alive! Ha! But I guess more specifically I wish I was out with my friends, I kinda ruined our night by dying. I wish we had one last night at the club. Tails 

Encounter 3

How are you feeling right now? 

Bored! Bored bored bored! There is nothing to do here! 

What is the meaning of "Cautionary Tale"?

I mean, look at me. I guess it means to use the handrail when you're on stairs. Especially in high-heels. 

What do you think you are right now? 

I'm a ghost, right? Haunting you. OooOoOoOOO But why you, I don't know. Maybe because you can see us? You're, like, a medium right? 

I don't really know… 

Oh, well, I guess it doesn't matter. 

The Cautionary Tale: A ghost who tripped over her own high-heels and fell down a flight of stairs, breaking her neck. 

5. The Tortured Artist 

Encounter 1

What is your most distinguishing facial feature

I only have one eye. The other one is missing and the lid is permanently closed. Tails

How are you feeling right now?

Tired. I'm so tired. I don't want to keep being here. Head

Did I know you before this?

No, we've never met. But you've probably seen my work and haven't realized it.  I made fonts. Popular fonts, but no one other than graphic designers would know my name. Tails

Encounter 2 

Where do you think you are right now? 

Stuck in your mirror with the others. We can at least use the furniture when it's reflecting, so I can lie down on the floor, or the couch, or the chair. Heads 

Where do you wish you could be right now? 

I wish I was accepting an award. Hahaha, but more seriously I want to be alive again. Tails

What is one thing we share in common? 

I haven't the faintest. We both seem to like coffee, but I hardly see how that's relevant. Tails

Encounter 3

What is the meaning of the title "Tortured Artist" 

I was never really appreciated. Always someone else out there with some award or another, always someone else winning, always someone else getting the corporate deals. That's fine. It's fine. 

Why are you attached to me or this place? 

I assume it's like the Cautionary Tale said it. You must be a medium of some sort. THat's the only thing I can think of. I don't know this apartment, or who you are, no offense, but this is all strange to me. 

What do you want me to do the most? 

If you can somehow release all my work into the CC0, that would be lovely, but I doubt that you'll get through via my family or any of the companies that are receiving share-cut payments from me. But you should still try. 

The Tortured Artist: A Typographer who was never appreciated and now wants their work to be used by all. 

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