Chart the Constellations By 7Skyes

Instruments: Deck of Cards

Game Description 

Chart the Constellations is a game about creating one constellation for each season by using a deck of cards to create the pattern.

Game Content Warnings 

These are content warnings that are from the game prompts and are present in all playthroughs.

Playthrough Content Warnings 

These are content warnings specific to this playthrough only.

Game Playthrough

Word Count: 1,124     Played: August 20-21, 2023


4 Diamonds, 2 Hearts: Type: Person

Characters: Mystic, Leader, Prophet, Healer

Morals: The world is cruel and kind, embrace differences, defend what you love 

Constellation: Prophet’s Folly

Long, long ago before the dying god was dying, the nations of the warred with one another. The leader of one, an old, old woman, sought to make peace in the world. 

The leaders of all nations except one accepted the offer and convened in the south, deep in a jungle along a river that runs through a desert. 

As they were convening and discussing, a young person entered the room and claimed to be a prophet sent by the gods from the nation who didn’t accept. The leaders didn’t believe them and ordered them to be killed, and they were shot full of arrows from the guards. But as they lay dying, a mystic received an oracle that the person was indeed a prophet and they called upon a healer to save them. 

The healer did not arrive in time and the prophet died. Their last words were, “You are not worthy.” 

After the council convened they had discovered the absent nation had developed a terrible and powerful weapon and soon laid waste to the other nations. They came to realize that they had failed their test by killing the prophet and were soon conquered and their kingdoms destroyed. This new kingdom would come to be known as Malhal. 


2 Diamonds, 3 Hearts: Animal 

Characters: Gods, Shapeshifter, Warrior 

Morals: Keep your promises, Tell the Truth, Be Honorable, Take Responsibility, be forgiving, 

Constellation: The Dread Snake

Long long ago, before when the dreaming god was still alive, a lone warrior was without a cause. She was very skilled but also very lazy and boastful. She traveled through far lands seeking to make her fortune. 

One day she was at a tavern, boasting about how she could hunt any animal due to her warrior training. One lady at the back said she couldn’t hunt the Dread Snake. Everyone agreed and the warrior became angry and said she would kill it no matter what. 

The next day she went out to the woods and for a week she camped out there looking for the Dread Snake. She couldn’t find it, and after finding and killing a regular snake she skinned it and returned to the town. 

She boasted about how she had killed it, showing off the skin. The people believed her and she was rewarded with a big feast. That night she was sleeping in the inn when the door opened and the lady who first challenged her appeared. 

She laughed at the warrior and said that was no Dread Snake, then her body contorted and she turned into a snake larger than three people wide. 

The warrior was afraid at first but remembered an old legend about the God of Lies, and knew this wasn’t the real Dread Snake either. She fell to her knees and started to beg for forgiveness saying she would go hunt the real Dread Snake no matter how long it takes. 

The God of Lies said she would only forgive her if she brought her the skin of the Dread Snake itself. Little did the warrior know that the God of Lies had hidden the snake among the stars and the warrior is still out there searching for it.  


3 Diamonds, 4 Hearts, an animal 

Characters: Traveller, Musician 

Morals: Seek Help, Respect Others/Yourself, Have Humility, Seek Justice

Constellation: The Musician’s Dog 

Long long ago, before the forests were part of fairy, a rich explorer was traveling the lands. He had traveled long and far and was very tired so he lay down to rest by a tree. He soon fell asleep and as he was sleeping, a wild dog wandered up to him and stole his pack. 

He awoke and saw the dog running away with his pack and chased after it but soon lost sight of it. He wandered forward, hoping to find it and soon came upon a busking musician at a crossroads. 

When the musician saw how distressed the traveler was xe asked what was wrong. The traveler, fearing the musician would look for the dog instead and take his things because xe was dirty and poor, first ignored the musician. 

But when the traveler realized he would have no way of knowing where the dog went, and since he was out of supplies and far from any town he killed the musician and took what little supplies xe had including the flute and bag. 

Eventually the traveler came across a village and stayed for the night. At first the people were suspicious as to why he had a bag that looked like the local musician’s but the traveler explained that it was a common looking bag. 

As he was eating in the tavern, the wild dog appeared at the door, with the hand of the musician in it’s mouth. It dropped the hand and the people recognized it as being from the musician. 

The people searched the traveler and found the flute and he was tried for murder. 


3 Diamonds, 5 Hearts: Person

Characters: Romantic, Entertainer, Protector, Demigod 

Clubs: Have patients

Long long ago, when the world was new and the gods had not decided on the true nature of all things, a child was born to the gods but was not a god and not a mortal. 

They yearned for companionship but none of their fellows were able to suit their needs either emotionally or spiritually or physically in some cases. 

At first they had a friendship with their protector who was assigned to them by the gods themselves. They spent long hours talking and playing and many other things that friends do. Until one day the protector had grown too old and eventually died. 

Then they found the entertainer, a charming man with a quick wit and a tiny thumb piano that played almost any song. They listened and talked with the entertainer for many long hours over the years, but the entertainer always kept them at a distance. The child was a client after all. 

And eventually they met the Romantic. They were charming and kind and all too eager to share themselves with the child. They spent many long years together but the romantic was too filled with wanderlust to be tied to the child forever, and one day they said their tearful goodbyes and departed. 

And so having no companionship they left, high into the sky, passed the clouds and into the starry fields where they shine brightly each night, waiting for someone just like them to join them.

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