La Bête By Merlin McGraw

Instruments: Deck of Cards, 1d6, Token

Game Description 

La Bête is a Carta game about playing a character who transforms into an unControlable monster and is hunted by The Guard. You use two carta spreads and switch between them depending on whether or not you have transformed into the monster. Throughout the cards you track your health, control, power, and allies, and if you meet certain conditions, you might just be able to make yourself a home.

Game Content Warnings 

These are content warnings that are from the game prompts and are present in all playthroughs.

Playthrough Content Warnings 

These are content warnings specific to this playthrough only.

Game Playthrough

Word Count: 3,230     Played: August 31, 2022

Starting Stats

Control: 10

Allies: 0

Power: 0

HP: 10

Card 1

2 of Spades: An abandoned Hunting Shack

 +1 C 


    I have found a ramshackled little cottage in the skirts of the woods. There are a few axes and other items left to rot that will be of little use to me, but perhaps I can make use of them at a later time. I can smell the fires of the village up ahead and I pray that they have not yet heard word of me or my kind. 

Yours, Ananias

Control: 10

Allies: 0

Power: 0

HP: 10

Card 2 

9 of Clubs: A Wild Herd of goats. 

Roll: 1, -2 C


    I fear that I am losing myself again to The Call. I passed a small herd of goats today and felt the twinge in my heart and the prickle of my skin. I should hunt them like people, but my teeth sunk into its flesh before I knew what happened. I ate well tonight, but I do not know how many more meals I can make. 

Yours, Ananias

Control: 8

Power: 0

Allies: 0

HP: 10

Card 3

 Ace of Clubs: You have found a town, far out in the outskirts of the world. 


    I have entered the town at the base of the mountains. This place is beautiful and sits nestled in the shadow of the peak and the quagmire. The people here have not seen a stranger ever. I am known. I am an anomaly. But I am alone, and they were not hostile. I can only pray that whichever of the gods they worship hold hospitality in high regards. 

Yours, Ananias

Control: 8

Power: 0

Allies: 0

HP: 10

Card 4 

Jack of Diamonds: Mushroom Overhang. 

Roll: 5 +1HP -1C


    I found a place where the mushrooms grow, deep under a rocky overhanging near the village. I saw signs of tool work, and of foraging from the village, so I knew it was safe for me to eat. I could not help myself. I knew it was not mine for the taking, but take I did. I am remorseful but I do not know how to approach those who own this place. I am so hungry. 

Yours, Ananias

Control: 7

Power: 0

Allies: 0

HP: 11

Card 5

3 of Clubs: Abandoned Quarry. You can choose this as your new lair 

+1P +1 HP +1 C


    I have left the village far behind and ventured further North. I cannot bear to face them after what I have done. Perhaps it was nothing, but perhaps I would have been executed for what I am. Regardless, there is shelter here and far from any humans. I will stay for now. 

Yours, Ananaias

Control: 9

Power: 1

Allies: 0

HP: 12

Card 6

5 of Hearts:

 A Fishing Port : You meet and make friends with a sailor

+1A +1C +1HP


    I have ventured further north and found a bustling port. This far north! Not far from the estranged village. I do not know how, or why, but an old fisherman had greeted me and treated me to a meal. This place seems out of sorts, but I cannot say why. Perhaps I will ask about the village another time. I feasted upon the sea creatures today, and I hope that I will again tomorrow. 

Yours, Ananias

Control: 10

Power: 1

Allies: 1

HP: 13

Card 7 

Queen of Spades: A Quiet River

+1HP +1C


    I have spent the day by the river. Its waters were clear and sweet despite the ocean so near. The fisherman said to me it is the body of a god that will soon leave, but I do not know if I believe him. Regardless, I feel more in control than I have in many, many years. 

Yours Ananias

Control: 11

Power: 1

Allies: 1

HP: 14

Card 8

 Ace of Spades: New Wilds, the trees are older and you feel more intune with everything. 


    I have heard the stories. You have heard the stories, all have heard them, but today I had seen it. I entered its realm. My mother was a witch and she spoke often about Faerie and how no mortal must ever enter. But I do not know if I am still mortal. I felt … at peace. In control. I was in true wilderness. But I knew I could not stay. That place would change me. I could feel the piercing gaze of the obelisk and it instilled in me a sense of wrongness. I did as she had instructed so long ago and found my way back to the mortal realm. I … it frightens me how much I long to return. 

Yours, Ananaias

Control: 11

Power: 1

Allies: 1

HP: 14

Card 9

4 of Spades: Guard Patrol



    The Guard is here and they have found more of us. I saw them with their pleading eyes in the cages. They reached to me and I ignored them. I do not know if I can stay here. I… I feel sick. I feel angry. I want nothing more than to tear their throats out with my own teeth. I will not write more, but know that I have thought darker thoughts than these. 

Yours, Ananaias 

Control: 9

Power: 1

Allies: 1

HP: 14

Card 10

 4 of Hearts: A Knowing Smile

Roll: 2. +1A


    I have fled the fishing village and decided to head back south. There is nothing but trouble in the north. I have heard the stories and I do not want to risk if they are true. I stayed tonight in a small little town. There are people here like me. I met one who gave me a knowing smile. I did not know her name but I knew that look and she knew mine. There are more of us than I know. 

Yours, Ananaias,

Control: 9

Power: 1

Allies: 2

HP: 14

Card 11

 8 of Hearts:  Trading Caravan

+1A +1C


    I have met with a traveling merchant. .. One who knows. We spoke.. In coded language, but it appears their sister is one like me. I trust this person for now and I traveled with them to another village. It appears there are more places in this region than I had anticipated. I should enquire about the secluded village but I am tired and I always forget in the morning. 

Yours, Ananaias

Control: 10

Power: 1

Allies: 3

HP: 14


7 of Diamonds: You are Surrounded. 

-2C -2 HP Move 3 Cards


    I cannot believe that this book survived the fall. I am still shaking. I… I entered the town with the merchant and watched them leave and as soon as they had left the guards …. The Guard they seized upon me and I fled. I do not know what kind of sway that merchant holds but I believed it was  the only thing that stopped them from seizing me upon entry. They gave a long chase and drove me to a rocky expanse. I fell into the river. I jumped into that river and the waters spat me upon the shore further south than I had anticipated. I am lucky I still breathe. The god of the river must love me but I do not know where I am. 

Yours, Ananias

Control: 8

Power: 1

Allies: 3

HP: 12


6 of Clubs: A Hunting Party 

-2 C


    I can hear them, echoing across the cursed quagmire. I can hear the shots and the shouts and the screeches. They are not human, but neither am I. What I would give… what I wouldn’t give… to join in vicious revelry. My skin pricks. My heart ticks. And my mind is bleeding out through my ears. 


Control: 6

Power: 1

Allies: 3

HP: 12

Card 14 

Queen of Diamonds: Limestone Caverns

Roll: 9 Move one


    Through the trenches carved by the river’s ghost I found a cavern with near translucent walls. The stone is thin enough for light to pass but still sturdy enough to stand. But I can smell the animals and my teeth chatter. I can hear the howling of the wind and it is my own voice echoed back to me a thousand-fold. This place is safe. This place is not safe for my mind. 


Control: 6

Power: 1

Allies: 3

HP: 12

Card 15

 Ace of Hearts: Living Amongst


    The Guard has not reached this place. I do not know how, for it is further east, still. The villagers follow old strange ways, but they know me for what I am. Some say blessed by their lake god, the river god, the air god--Decider of Cycles. But I feel yet cursed. How blessed by a god I do not know? But Decisions are made all ‘round the world without those who are privy to the knowledge. A twisted blessing if-in it is one. All I see is a projection of their beliefs foisted upon one with no answers. But I am not hunted. I am … not un-safe. 


Control: 6

Power: 1

Allies: 3

HP: 12

Card 16 

3 of Hearts: Ruined Village 

Roll: 7, -1 C


    I came across a village that I once knew. It is ashes and mud and soot and death. The prints of The Guard are littered throughout this place like scars upon the earth. I have only vague memories… we never went further west than this but I knew this place. 

    This place was kind. My mother knew we were safe here. There is nothing here. THere is nothing but death and the guards are reapers made flesh and no where will be safe. 


Control: 5

Power: 1

Allies: 3

HP: 12

Card 17

 10 Spades: Fairy Ring * (A/N: I read the wrong prompt, this is switched with the 7 of spades, see below)

-2C +1 A +1P


    Into Fairie I went once more. Into the night. INto the night. Into the ring. The ring the ring. Into the woods of the fae and the witches and they called to me. They called to ME. I went. I went I had nothing I had nothing. I still have nothing. I still have nothing. And soon I will be gone. I can feel it. I can feel it I can feel it. Upon and inmyself. It is me .It is not me. It is me. It is not me. I am losing myself and it will consume me and all of my in my entirety. I am tired. I am so tired. I will sleep.. I will sleep. I will slee

Control: 3

Power: 2

Allies: 4

HP: 12

Card 18

7 of Hearts: Mining Village 

-1C -1H


    I feel less hungover than I did when writing my last entry. It’s.. a mess. A mess. I am still losing myself, but I am more sober. More sober. There is silver in the air among this village and I will avoid it at all cost. All cost.  I feel as though I am losing my words as it consumes me. It consumes me. I am losing my head and what I can remember. I can remember very little. It’s all cotton and silver. All silver in the air. I must move. Must move on. 


Control: 2

Power: 2

Allies: 4

HP: 11

Card 19  

7 of Spades:  Standing Stone Clearing (A/N: I read the wrong prompt, 7 of spades and 10 of spades switched, see above for 10)

+1P +1HP -2C 

Switch to Collection board. 


Control: 0 

Power: 3

Allies: 4

HP: 12

Card 20

Jack of Hearts: Hunting Village 

+1A +1HP

The call is in my blood and my siblings have all joined

Here in forest the skirts of a village

They rejoice in blood and bone

They rejoice in rage and filth

We rejoice in many as one

We rejoice in hunt and teeth

They are with me and I with them and we are as one. We are as one. 

Control: 0 

Power: 3

Allies: 5

HP: 12

Card 21

:2 of Clubs: Passing Patrol 

+1C and +1P

I see them. I see them with their weapons and their arrogance. They cannot best the likes of me. They cannot even see me as I see them. I smell their acrid weapons, one of heresy to a divine creature as myself. I am blessed. I am blessed. And I wait. 

Control: 1 

Power: 4

Allies: 5

HP: 12

Card 22

Jack of Clubs:  Hunter’s Trap

+1 A -2 HP

There is a tenderness to mortality that no divine blessing can replace. A young man. A handsome man. A kind man. Knelt before me in my pain. In my helplessness. In my disgrace. He saved me. He released me from the jaws of metal and death. I am free once more. I am indebted. 

Control: 1 

Power: 4

Allies: 6

HP: 10

Card 23

5 of Clubs: Burrows and Warrens 

+2HP +1P

So many hares. So many bones to crush beneath my teeth. Such game for a game. But the hunger. The hunger never ceases. I will feed again. 

Control: 1 

Power: 5

Allies: 6

HP: 12

Card 24 

4 of Diamonds: Frozen Lake 

Roll: 4 +1C

Slick. Slick. Slick. How arrogant in the snow. An icy cycle. Water to ice to water.  Man to beast to man. Fall to rise to fall.  Hunger to statiation to hunger. Blessed to cursed to blessed. An endless cycle. Life to death to… ?

Control: 2 

Power: 5

Allies: 6

HP: 12

Card 25

King of Diamonds: Oversea Drop

+1C +1P

The sea, the sea, the sea. The tide comes in, the tide goes out, the tide comes in. In nature as in self. All are cycles. All are cycles. Is this how things are? Have I forgotten? Remember, forget, remember? I am of nature. Nature is change. Change is a cycle. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring….. Will I forget myself only to remember again? The sea, the sea, the sea. The lake. The river. The gods. 

Control: 3 

Power: 6

Allies: 6

HP: 12

Card 26 

8 of Diamonds:  Spiky Spires 

Roll: 4, -1HP

The ground. Smooth, spiky, smooth, spiky, over and over it tears into my flesh. Pain, to relief, to pain. Hurt to heal to hurt to heal. 

Control: 3 

Power: 6

Allies: 6

HP: 11

Card 27 

2 of Diamonds:  Sheer Climb

Roll: 9, +1C +1P

And up and up and up. Up, down, up down. I was down, now I am up. Then down again soon. As the goats, so will I. My claws into the earth, my feet into the ground and up, up up. Then down down down. 

Control: 4 

Power: 7

Allies: 6

HP: 11

Card 28 

10 of Clubs: The Brier Thicket


And pain once more on an endless cycle. To hunt, to be hunted. And so I flee. Into the quagmire, into the briar. I am hunted as I once hunted. Over and over this dance and cycle.  Round and round until the end. They give chase and I give flee. Into thicket. Into hiding. Like the rabbits in their warren. But they do not pursue.. I am safe. Safe, unsafe, safe. 

Control: 4 

Power: 7

Allies: 6

HP: 10

Card 29

 4 of Clubs: A Badger Nest

+1A +1P -1HP

And I hunt and I hunt the hunter. A badger small, angry, loud. I am large, serene, quiet. It bites, but I bite harder, and the child, up a tree, sees me devour. But he too grins with teeth like mine. And his mother, ever grateful, feeds me more. 

Control: 4 

Power: 8

Allies: 7

HP: 9

Card 30: 

5 of Diamonds Chill Mountain Air 

+1C +1HP

Pleasure in simplicity. Pleasure in the crunch of ice between my toes. The beastly cycle, like the cycle of seasons.  I was made for ice. I was made for winter. And beneath my feet a hidden meal. A small mammal, dead, too rotten for humans, but fresh for beasts. My hunger is still for now. 

Control: 5 

Power: 8

Allies: 7

HP: 10

Card 31

6 of Spades: Hunter’s Camp

+2C -2HP -1P Move 1 Squre 

A fool! A Fool! A FOOL I AM. Into a nest! Into a camp! Into the enemy! Into a volley of arrows of frightened humans! A beast was made to stalk at night and I stumbled blindly in the dark into their encampment! Recovery, injury, recovery. I will be well again soon. 

Control: 7 

Power: 7

Allies: 7

HP: 8

Card 32

2 of Hearts: Roadside Guardpost 

Roll: 2, +1C -2HP

Oh revenge is sweet. To hunt, to be hunted, to hunt again. The cycle continues and I have them in my teeth. Exhausted from the route, in unfamiliar territory. The reapers are mortals and their flesh has grown cold. They were not without fury and I too must lick my wounds, but for now, the hunger has been satiated. 

Control: 9 

Power: 7

Allies: 7

HP: 6

Card 33:

9 of Hearts: Roadside Tavern

+1C +1HP

There is warmth by this fire. The scraps they throw for the dogs will never truly be enough, but for now, they suffice. I am warm…. And I long to join in human merriment. There is singing and there is dancing and there is joy. Happiness, misery, happiness. I am done with teeth and fur and sorrow. 

Control: 10

Power: 7

Allies: 7

HP: 7

Card 34

 3 of Spades: Spirit of the Forest

-1C +1P


    I have awoken again as a person and the memories have started to fade. I found myself sleeping with dogs, being prodded awake by a concerned tavern owner. I was covered in blood and my clothes in tatters. I am tired. I am so tired. I cannot bear to face them as I could not with the secluded village and so I left, quickly and without explanation. 

I walked silently into the forest and I was there again. It will not leave me. I can never be rid of fairy. Journal, I sat myself upon a rock, and closed my eyes. Waiting. Resting. Hoping to collect myself. Hoping to return back soon. But when I opened my eyes I saw it. 

Before me, glowing in pure white elucidation, a buck with antlers of gold and starlight. It looked at me. It looked right into my eyes with its pitch black pupils, reflecting what I can never comprehend. I felt exposed in a way I never have before. I was naked and vulnerable before a creature of untold power and all I had to save myself was the mercy of an unknowable being. 

And I am still here. And I am still me. 

Control: 9

Power: 8

Allies: 7

HP: 7

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