Instruments: RPG Dice
Game Description
In Lineage you are tracing the families in a position of power, and events that change the power structure. This game focuses more on the events that happen during the lifetime of each monarch, than of a long family tree.
Game Content Warnings
These are content warnings that are from the game prompts and are present in all playthroughs.Playthrough Content Warnings
These are content warnings specific to this playthrough only.
Word Count: 1,970 Played: Nov 23, 2022
The Royal Lineage of Cricenal and the surrounding Vassal Cities from the year 4578 onward
Title: Crown
A note on names: The head ruler has the additional last name Cricenal, as does their immediate family, i.e. spouse and children. Other members of the family inherit their family names matrilineally.
For Example: Emiliean Souad Garrendal Cricenal and then when his brother inherited the throne he was just Emiliean Souad Garrendal until he was Coronated.
Spouses are expected to add the name of their mother in law as their middle name
Personal Name, Spouse’s Mother’s Family, Mother’s Family
For Non FM marriages, the last name is either the birthing parent or the parent of higher status
Non-married people only have two names with the exception of the Crown’s children.
Lineage is Primogenital
Skip to the end for a guide to the most important characters.
Emiliean Souad Garrendal Cricenal Coronated 1629
Adeley Garrendal Souad Cricenal Married to Emiliean
Kadijah Florentin, Daughter of Squ’hev ambassador and Duchess Florentin
Rolande Esmen, Advisor
Gaetan Sever Rima, Valet to Emiliean, nephew of Constantin
Constantin Noam Analie Land Owner and Lord
Lordship of Analie
Roll: 6, Underhanded
Temple of Certainty, a religious group that worships the god of clarity and understanding, Certainty-is-Shown-Through-Light
Roll: 1, Prosperous
Township of Brookhaven, a place trying to become independent
Roll: 6, Underhanded
Builder’s Guild, makes homes, castles, buildings
Roll: 4, Politically Popular
The Marribelle Family
Roll: 2, Loyal
The Duchy of Oceane
Roll: 3, A Problem™
Teneneron, The City in Night
Merchant city shrouded in magic darkness that worships the God of Coin and Hierarchy, aka Value Incarnate
Roll: 3 Peaceful
Current Leader: Torcuil Wardter
The City of Rapidcliff,
in a valley in a mountain to the south
Roll: 1, Allied
Current Leader: Elwood En Etchild
(last name is initials of parents +child)
a city to the northwest
Roll: 4 Militant
Current Leader: Gailgal Erren Galgan Eturd
A coastal city bordering the desert
Roll: 3 Peaceful
Current Leader: Tabira (redacted)
(All female leaders are named Tabira and the rest of the name is a secret for the royal family)
A city on a river in a jungle in a desert, known for the large ziggurat
Roll: 1, Allied
Current Leader: Midha Hasna XLIV
A city on cliff far to the east across the sea
Roll: 5, Powerful
Current Leader: Diamantina Kostis Aleksos
Roll: 6 Parents
Adeley Garrendal Souad Cricenal
Mother: Leonne Desire Souad
Father: Aurelien Souad Desire
Roll 1d8: Parents connected to one faction
Both of her parents were very devout followers of The Temple of Certainty instilled this religion into Adeley and she pushed for it to become the majority religion in the region.
Roll 1d8: Parents connected to one faction
Both of her parents were very devout followers of The Temple of Certainty instilled this religion into Adeley and she pushed for it to become the majority religion in the region.
Roll: 7 Epithet
d100: Rat
Emiliean Souad Garrendal Cricenal
Emiliean was the sixth in line to the throne, before all his siblings died mysteriously in a week. Some suspected poisoning, others an illness, but the most commonly held belief is that he traded secrets with the nobles of Squ’hev to have them assassinated during a state visit. All parties involved deny this.
Roll: 7 Epithet
d100: Swine
Adeley Garrendal Souad Cricenal
Adeley was known for her fondness of the hunt and in her youth hunted many boars out in Weeping Ghost Forest. As she aged she could hunt less and less but her fondness never faded. Instead of going into the forest, farm pigs were purchased and she “hunted” them in the gardens of the palace. It’s estimated that she killed over 500 pigs in her time, though some sources say it was over 2,000.
Roll: 3 Intrigue
Roll: 1, two siblings go to war over the throne
After the death of Crown Emiliean Souad Garrendal Cricenal, his oldest daughters, Eugenie Souad Cricenal and Louisette Ambre Souad Cricenal, a pair of twins, went to war over the throne. Eugine claimed she was born first and should inherit the throne under Royal Law. Louisette claims she already has children and a lineage and she should inherit under Royal Law.
Eugenie was backed by the Township of Brookhaven, for whom she had sympathy
Louisette was backed by the Lordship of Analie for whom her husband’s sister was married.
Roll: 2 Louisette won and imprisoned Eugenie for life.
The war lasted 16 years and Louisette was crowned in 4649.
Roll: 8 Death
Roll: 9 what will they be remembered for?
Florian Souad Ambre Cricenal was in the background of most of history. He was the first husband of Louisette Ambre Souad Cricenal and the only importance he had was that his sister, Colette, was married to Gisele Ambre Analie. The Analies backed Louisette during the Secession War of 4636. He died in 4652
Roll: 7 Epithet Sharp
Louisette was known for being quick witted and uncaring. Her mind was sharp and clever and her insults even sharper.
Roll: 8 Death
Roll: 8, which family member is most affected?
Constantin Noam Analie
Died: 4651
Giselle Ambre Analie was torn up by their mother’s death. They hid themselves away for years and years not able to cope without her. It’s said that their wife, Colette Analie Ambre, lost two family members that day. People mark this as the decline of the Analie Family.
Roll: 4 Children
Couple: Louisette and Florian
Roll: 6
Louisette: Most Ambitious
Sylvette: Great Talent
Delphine: Will Betray the Crown
Corin: Spoiled
Gregory: The Favorite
Henri: Hates the family
Roll: Succession
Roll: The Monarch dies in a display of hubris
Louisette Ambre Souad Cricenal died 4709
Henri was the youngest sibling, and hated all the rest of the family. It's said that the last thing he said to his mother was he hoped she dropped dead. In her shock and old age, Louisette did exactly as he said and fell dead to the floor. His sister, Louisette II, took the throne the next week and sent him to Brookhaven to rule as a vassal.
Roll: 5 Marriage
Roll: Dramatically changes the political landscape
Louisette II and Fearghas Wardter of Teneneron
M. 4711
Louisette II married the heir apparent to the throne of Teneneron, Fearghas Wardter. Soon after his brother Haiden “went missing” on an expedition, there was no one left to claim the throne of Teneneron, throwing the city into chaos for a brief period of time. This allowed the priest-merchants to seize control of the city turning it from a ruling family into an elected position of elders.
Roll: 12 Legend
Introduce a new character long before the current time and add them to the top of the tree.
Roll: 3 Prophecy
Crienal, for whom the city is named, was a prophet of The God of Ends. They saw their fate in the ghosts that came to visit them each night. They would wail and cry, searching for their corpse so they could finally rest.
As the Gods’ War raged on, more and more people died, and Cricenal knew their holy duty was to bury and guide their spirits to their final rest. People wouldn’t believe this story if it weren’t for the nightly procession of ghosts each night searching for their bodies.
Roll: 8 Death
Death: 4712
14. How does the current balance of power change because of the death?
Louisette II and her firstborn both died during labour, and left the city without a proper heir. Fearghas was a foreigner and could not inherit the throne. He was stripped of his name and soon left to return to Teneneron, where he attempted to reclaim his title.
The throne then went to Sylvette Marribelle Souad, the second born of Louisette I.
Roll: 6 Parents
Parents of Elodie Souad Marribelle Cricenal
Roll: 5 One of the parents did a great service to the realm
Philomene LuCree Maribelle
Dominique Maribelle LuCree
Dominique Maribelle LuCree was a noble knight who worked in the service of the royal family for 50 years. He was the captain of the guard who helped reform the knights from an inherited position to a meritocracy, leading vast improvements to the safety of the nobles and potential class growth for others.
Roll: 7 Epithet
73: Deep
Sylvette Maribelle Souad Cricenal was a thoughtful and philosophical ruler. She remembered her mother’s cruel words and how they were the death of her, so she spent a long time thinking and spoke slowly before dispersing her wisdom. She was called the Deep by her admirers for her ability to speak profoundly in a few words.
Roll: 11 Major Event
Roll: 4 Strange Fortune
Roll: 1
Roll 1d4: 1
1 Decade after the most recent monarch’s youngest child’s last major life event, kill the monarch and their children.
A/N: I’m going to hang on to this and roll some children and some events so then I can murder everyone
Roll: 5 Children
Roll: 5 Marriage
Renaud Amand Maribelle married Matine Maribelle Amand in the year 4736. A decade later they decided to renew their vows and hold a large ceremony where they had been wed. It was a large beautiful ceremony held in the beautiful glass cathedral of The Temple of Certainty. Both families were in attendance and continued forth with the ceremony despite the tempest that raged outside. It is not known what caused it, but the sound of cracking glass could be heard throughout the entire city as the entire cathedral shattered and collapsed killing everyone inside.
The only person left of the royal family was Henri, the bitter youngest child of Louisette I.
Roll: 7 Epithet
The Reluctant
Henri did not want the throne. He didn’t want children, he didn’t want to rule, he did not care about his lineage. He was angry at his sister for sending him away. He was angry at his mother for dying. He was angry at the Gods for killing the family he wished he loved. 10 days after his coronation he disappeared and was never seen again.
Cricenal was without a ruling family for 300 years until Prophet Maylis claimed the throne in the year 5053 and took the name Cricenal again.
* Indicates ruler
x Indicates Death
xEmiliean Souad Garrendal Cricenal *
The Crown Rat
Coronated 4578
Died 4636
6th in line for the throne before siblings all died mysteriously
Eugenie Souad nee Cricenal
Twins with Louisette
Daughter of Emiliean
Imprisoned 4649
Sympathetic towards Brookhaven
xLouisette Ambre Souad Cricenal I*
The Sharp
Twins with Eugine
Daughter of Emiliean
Coronated: 4649
Died: 4709
Allied with: Analie, sister in law is married to an Analie
Married to: Florian Souad Ambre
xFlorian Souad Ambre Cricenal
Married to: Louisette Ambre Souad Cricenal
Died in 4649
Adeley Garrendal Souad Cricenal
The Swine Crown
Married to Emiliean Souad Garrendal Cricenal
Constantin Noam Analie Land Owner and Lord
Mother of Giselle Ambre Analie
Died 4651
Giselle Ambre Analie
NB Child of Constantin Noam Analie
Wife to Colette Analie Ambre
xLouisette Wardter Souad Cricenal II *
Daughter of Louisette Ambre Souad Cricenal I
Married to Fearghas Souad Wardter Cricenal
C. 4709
D. 4712
Henri Souad Cricenal*
The Reluctant
Son of Louisette Ambre Souad Cricenal I
Sent to Rule over Brookhaven in 4709
C. 4747
D. 4747?
Fearghas Souad Wardter nee Cricenal
Hailing from Teneneron
Brother of Haiden Wardter, the living candle
Married Louisette II
Stripped of the Cricenal name and went back to Teneneron to attempt to reclaim his throne
xSylvette Marribelle Souad Cricenal *
The Deep
Daughter of Louisette I
Married to Elodie Souad Marribelle Cricenal
C. 4712
D. 4746
xRenaud Amand Maribelle
Youngest Child of Sylvette
Married Matine Maribelle Amand in 4736.
Died 4746