Procession By Tyler Magruder

Instruments: Deck of Cards

Game Description 

Every year a strange procession arrives in Edmund Valley. No one knows where they come from or where they go but they leave behind a number of blessings.

Game Content Warnings 

These are content warnings that are from the game prompts and are present in all playthroughs.

Playthrough Content Warnings 

These are content warnings specific to this playthrough only.

Game Playthrough

Word Count: 1,386     Played: Nov 21, 2021

Edmond Valley 


Material Lack: safe roads

Entertainment Lack: stories

Social Lack: Gathering places 


Covered Bridge, the only safe part of the road the entrance leads straight into town.

Stone Clocktower, only one person ever enters the tower to make sure it is working, they wear a hooded cloak and only enter in the dead of night when everyone is asleep.

Flower Fountain, a simple stone fountain with large flowers growing around it 



Cackling creatures dance around the town, bringing joy to the people. The entertainment lack is filled.

Small furry animals, none of whom the townsfolk could identify, gathered in small groups and danced, hopped, and skittered to and fro around the townspeople. They told stories of gods and heroes, of small children and animals, and sometimes of the earth itself. The people were overjoyed with the new tales and would recount them to each other as the year went by. 


After performing a bizarre ritual around a landmark, it now emits a comforting glow that protects the residents from harm

Six creatures sprung up from the river near the entrance from Edmund Valley. Each had ten glowing eyes, and tentacles for hair, and a voice that sounded like two rocks banging together. They screamed, or perhaps sang at the covered bridge until it began to glow as well. When they had finished they jumped out of the water and joined the rest of the procession as if nothing had happened. The effects weren’t immediate, but later the people would learn that anyone who wished to do them harm was unable to cross through the bridge. 


 A creature with a head shaped like a crescent moon absconds with the cruelest person in town. 

Autumn Gribben was the cruelest person in town, but like all cruel people, felt completely justified in their actions. They only put out what they received, they would say, failing to realize that if they had been kinder in the first place people wouldn’t have been cruel to them. People weren’t sure what to think, when the Crescent Lady took their hand and the two ran laughing down the street with the procession. The town never saw Autumn again but didn’t mourn their absence. 


A two-headed creature speaks wisdom to a young member of the Valley.

One face was a cow, the other a cat, but the whole creature was, from top to bottom, impressive in their shining suit of armor. Young children found themselves drawn to the knight asking questions and receiving wisdom. Parents were wary, but the knight was noble and answered each burning question with patients and poise. 


The fascination over the strange creatures brings people together. The social lack is filled. 

Together on the outskirts of town the people gathered to watch the endless parade of oddities and delights. Some brought stools, others logs and chairs. The parade cleared out a space in the surrounding woods. Trees seemed to move on their own out of the way, and rocks receded into the ground. In the days following the end of the parade, the entire area was clear save for the littering of chairs. People found themselves drawn to the space for picnics and gatherings with friends and families. 


A creature with a cooking pot covering their face makes a new landmark. 

The creature danced around in a merry little jig with a large iron pot covering its head. How it knew where to go and not to trip nobody knew. On the outskirts, where the people were sitting and watching, several of them noticed the pot-creature wiggle its little fingers and a tree began to grow. At first it was a seed, then a sapling, then spread out and out into a large rain tree, taller than the stone clocktower, and covered the area in a large shade. 

A creature with powerful lungs, passes through in a blur and all the soot and dirt is gone. 

Most people will deny such a creature exists, but there are a few who claim to have seen it. Those that do say it was a whirlwind, a blur, of bright fabric and colors, dancing in the streets and through the town. What everyone can agree on, is that there wasn’t a speck of dust or soot in all of the valley after the parade had passed. 


A Bow-legged creature tosses out an infinite supply of goods. The town now is wealthy in one particular useful thing.

At first people thought a small strange creature was throwing rocks at people. It waddled two and fro to its own rhythm tossing the stones at peoples feet, and handing them to anyone who crossed their path. It took a blacksmith to realize that what the creature was handing out wasn’t ordinary rocks, but the quartz used for whetstones. There was never a pair of dull knives or scissors in the town again. 


 A cart without wheels rolls passed and spills something the town needs. The material lack is filled 

A small cart, pulled by a buffalo and manned by a cat wearing a straw hat, slowly made its way through the town. It passed through the rough and pitted road, bumping and spilling a soft trail of grain after it. The grain made its way into every small nook and cranny of the road and hardened in an instant. 

The roads of the town were made smooth and even, safe for all to travel. 


 A song sung by all the creatures teaches everyone to play it on any instrument. 

When the stone clock tower struck noon, every single creature in the procession stopped and started to sing a merry little tune. It was a delightful song about a chicken and a frog who eloped and lived on an island in the sea. The people of Edmund Valley found themselves humming it for weeks after the procession and soon learned that they knew how to play it on any instrument they touched, despite having no previous knowledge. People all around the world know if someone is from the Valley if they can play Chicken and Frog. 


A creature hands a significant person their oversized hat. When they wear it they can perform a miracle of their own.

A large dog walking on two legs, with floppy ears and a long tongue approached the owner of the only inn in town. It bowed deeply, taking off it’s oversized hat, before offering it to her to keep. It looked slightly ridiculous on her, but she wore it nonetheless, and found that on days when she was wearing it she had a little bit of extra luck, no dishes breaking, no rowdy guests, and people tended to smile more. 


A giant creature ambles through town, sprouting plants, and other things 

A giant pink and white praying mantis slowly wobbled it’s way through the town. Its head was taller than any of the buildings and it could only fit through the widest of roads. But when it did, all the plants in the windows blossomed and all the vines grew thick along the houses. It paused by the fountain and the flowers grew ten times their normal size, the largest being the size of a ten-year-old child. The florist of the town was quick to preserve the flower and it now rests in a glass case in their shop. 


The Rain is here and so is the end of the procession 

It was around ten in the evening when the clouds rolled in. The first drops of rain hit the creatures and all of them fell silent for a moment before they moved at impossible speeds through the town. As quickly as they came they were over the horizon and out of sight of the townsfolk. Some were disappointed, some were grateful as the day had been very long, and others were simply too tired to feel one way or another. All and all Edmund Valley was a better place than it had been the day before. 

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